Your Dedicated Partners for Success

Royalty Consultants Med Tech Medical Devices, Equipment & Instruments Trading Agency We offer Agency, Business Representation, and Innovative Distribution Channels, Providing our Partners with Customized Solutions to Guarantee Successful Market Entry and Long-term Business Sustainability in the Gulf Corporation Council and Beyond.
Our Focus Technologies & Products
Transforming Patient Experiences with Targeted Personalized Care Innovations

Innovative Medical Devices

We promote innovative medical devices and technologies for accurate results and precise patient care.

Genetics, DNA, Genomics Testing Innovations

Open market to all cutting-edge advancements in DNA and genomic testing that are transforming the healthcare industry, alongside the promising opportunities for genetics in the GCC region.

3D Print Human Organs& Tissues

Stem Cell products, Supplements & Innovative SC Devices

AI, IoT, Remote Monitoring& Management Innovative Technologies

GCC is the land for technologies with the power to enhance efficiency, productivity, and safety, and are paving the way for a more connected and intelligent future.

About us

The story began in 2012, in Dubai – UAE establishing Royalty Consultants and since then we have been known to offer expert market entry and business expansion solutions in the United Arab Emirates and in the Gulf Cooperation Countries.

Royalty Consultants Medical  Tech Trading is an Active healthcare arm focusing on innovation in the healthcare medical devices and products market entry, and expansion for distribution across the United Arab Emirates and the Gulf Cooperation Council Countries.

With its blend of international consulting acumen and profound local market insights and well established network , RC Medical Tech Trading specializes in offering tailored Agency, Business Representation and Innovative distribution channels.

Operating across key GCC markets—including Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain, and Oman—RCMT extensive network Direct and indirect medical network collaborates with government entities, private companies, and service providers, opening doors to new distribution channels and markets.

Our strategic partnership ensures our Manufacturers and Suppliers to thrive in new markets, paving the way for successful outcomes.

Our business offering

Market Entry Pilot Projects

Explore the market potential before you expand your business overseas.


We take care of medical devices, products, and technology registration and certification in GCC.

Business Representation

We represent your interests in the Region and provide you with innovative channels

“Advancing Care through Strategic Partnerships. Manufacturers and distributors dedicated to transforming healthcare—let’s collaborate. Reach out to explore how together we can deliver innovative care solutions.”